Fuel Tank Logo

Started by Alex, December 05, 2020, 02:03:32 PM

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I think I still have stickers from back then. Not for the gas tank. The main difference, aside from gold, is the form of transmission. They do not have a foil edge and are glued directly through the backing paper without slipping. This is why the originals look as if they were hand-painted without a foil backing. Also worth mentioning is the thickness of the whole. It's three times as thick as the foil. I hope you could follow my admittedly bad English. Greetings Claudius


I think that the originals were gold leaf that were printed on tissue paper..There was a supplier back in the 1970's, I had a few, but all that seem to be available now are the water slide type...John


Currently restoring the fuel tank on my 1929, can anyone tell me if the "Sunbeam" logo was hand painted at the time like the other lines? I see almost everybody using a sticker for the logo nowerdays?